Are You Being Serfed? Wars of the Roses Rules

Are You Being Serfed? is a set of free wargames rule for the Wars of the Roses. The author notes:

I believe they will give a fast and fun game. We are going to have in the region of 40+ units, 800+ figures on the table and with possibly only 2 players they need to be.

Swordplay Man To Man Skirmish Rules

Two Hour Wargames offers Swordplay, a one-to-one skirmish game with sword, shield and bow.

Making Simple Medieval Wargames Buildings

Terragenesis offers a great photo tutorial for making medieval wargames buildings.

Chivalry — Old School Games Workshop Magazine Game

Realms of Chaos Blog has a posting about the old GW game called Chivalry, which appeared in an issue of White Dwarf. All the relevant pages there are posted, so you can recreate this classic on your own. It’s a card system for combat between knights.

Digitized Medieval Manuscripts

The DMMapp (Digitized Medieval Manuscripts App) links to more than 300 libraries in the world. Each one of these contains medieval manuscripts that can be browsed for free.