Dungeoncrawl, The Game

Dungeoncrawl, The Game is a set of free wargames rules, for not-so-serious dungeon adventures.

The author writes:

What you are now reading is a quick play, tongue in cheek, dungeon adventuring game. This is a game were everybody plays equally – not where one player controls the bad guys and everybody responds/submits to his decisions. Each player controls his own little band of misfi ts AND controls the critters that another player will encounter. Each player is someone else‛s nemesis. All encounter and miscellaneous event rolls are done in the open, and are a surprise for everybody to enjoy. The whole point of this little endeavor is for everybody to have fun, so it helps if you don‛t take things too seriously. These rules are not intended as an overly detailed, exhaustive study in the complexities of subterranean armored combat. Nor will they require you to undertake a prolonged course of study in order to properly equip and prepare your party for eventual world domination. “Elegance in Simplicity” is the rule, even when it comes to brawling in the dark recesses of the dungeons. Hopefully you will find DungeonCrawl to be reasonably quick and unreasonably fun. Enjoy.

Basic Skirmish For Dungeon Hacking

Matt Lloyd offers a set of Basic Skirmish rules with dungeon crawl adventures in mind.

Cavern Crawl Dungeon Miniatures Game

Cavern Crawl is a game of dungeon adventure with miniatures.

Dungeon Tiles To Print and Play

Quests of Legend has a nice collection of dungeon tiles for you to print out and use for your role playing or miniatures games (or both!) in a dungeon crawl.


Pocket Dungeon Game

Pocket Dungeon is a small, solo dungeon game that uses the pocketmod small booklet printing system.