Savage Barsoom

Savage Barsoom are rules for playing games set on Edgar Rice Burrough’s Mars using Pinnacle’s Savage Worlds game.

Legends of Dying Mars John Carter Skirmish Rules Set

Legends of Dying Mars is a set of free skirmish rules for playing games set in the classic Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter of Mars Barsoom setting.


d20 Barsoom Variant

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom novels are among my favorite guilty pleasures. Sean K. Reynolds has a page with material, including monster and character profiles from his d20 Barsoon campaign.

Green Blood and Red Blood For Mars

As a kid, one of my favorite book series was Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “John Carter of Mars.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the first, “A Princess of Mars.”

So I was excited to find Green Blood and Red Blood for Mars, a set of rules for mass combat on Mars in the Victorian Age. Now I’ve got one more excuse to get some of those neat martian figures that are circulating from various companies these days.