Urban Warzone is a set of free wargames rules for near-future urban combat in a post-apocalypse world.
Rules: Post Apocalypse
Wastelands Post Apocalyptic Wargames Rules
The author writes:
Wasteland is a game of post-apocalyptic warfare between small bands of desperate fighters. You can play it as a skirmish war game using the character archetypes and weapon lists but it’s also designed to allow you to play fast-moving and memorable campaigns with two or more players.
Fallout Wasteland Warfare Game
Mophidus is offering free PDF core rules for their Fallout Wasteland Warfare game, based on the Fallout video game series. They also are have a free Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Getting Acclimated pdf with some basic scenarios and a guide to help start play. Other free offerings are Fallout Wasteland Warfare Dice and Ruler Info and high res player cards.
Autokill Auto Combat Game
Autokill is a set of free wargames rules for vehicular combat.
MuTaTioR Le choc des MuTaNs (Mutants: Shock of the Titans)
MuTaTioR Le choc des MuTaNs (Mutants: Shock of the Titans — that’s as close as I can get the translation) is a set of free wargames rules in French for combat between mutants in an arena. Google translate does a pretty good job of making sense of this in other languages. One great thing is that it includes rules for creating mutants — shades of Gamma World and to some extent, GW’s Realms of Chaos (I vaguely remember creating mutants for that game).