One Page Fantasy Skirmish 2nd Edition

The second edition of One Page Fantasy Skirmish has been released.

Expedition To Moria Dungeon Crawl Rules

A simple set of rules for dungeon crawl.

Dragon Duels Rules

Glenn McClune has kindly permitted me to host the files for his latest game, DragonDuels. Glenn says that Dragon Duels:

is a game where you take two toy dragons, like Megabloks Dragons or MacFarlanes Dragons , and fly them around and duke it out. The game is easily played and allows you to custom build your own dragon, by making new special abilities you can keep expanding the game. If people mail in their own specials than I will pull them all together and add to the game, so if you like it, feel free to be creative and come up with your own powers.

He’s also opened a blog on the games here.

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Orc’s Drift Fantasy Rules

Orc’s Drift is a set of free wargames rules for 25mm Colonial fantasy battles in the Center of the Earth.

De Bellis Toyus

De Bellis Toyus is a set of rules for using kid’s toys for wargames. The rules are loosely based on Phil Barker’s DBA.