Free Warmachine and Hordes Rules

Rules for Privateer Press’ Warmachine and Hordes games now are free.

Rabbidgerbal Wresting Rules

Rabbidgerbal Wresting is a set of simple rules that can be used with wrestling miniatures.

 Rabbidgerbal Wrestling is a simple game only requiring two six sided dice + scrap paper… for more excitement a couple of wrestler action figures and a ring… A wrestler is made by choosing one thing from each of the four groups. Strength OR Speed, then Brawler OR Technical wrestler – get the idea?


Shadow Storm – Hail Caesar Fantasy Variant

Ady’s Wargames Den offers Shadowstorm, a fantsy variant of Hail Caesar done with author Rick Priestly’s blessing. Author Ady McWalter is very familiar with the system, having worked on the Albion Triumphant supplement for Black Powder.

Frostgrave Spell Cards

For the recently released Frostgrave rules, here are a set of print-and-play spell cards.

Age of Sigmar Point System Fix

Age of Sigmar, Games’ Workshop’s attempt to kill Warhammer Fantasy, lacks even a basic points system. The rules allow each player to field whatever sized army they like. That doesn’t sit well with a lot of players, so the One Page Rules guys have come up with a points system fix for Age of Sigmar.