Rabbidgerbal Wresting Rules

Rabbidgerbal Wresting is a set of simple rules that can be used with wrestling miniatures.

 Rabbidgerbal Wrestling is a simple game only requiring two six sided dice + scrap paper… for more excitement a couple of wrestler action figures and a ring… A wrestler is made by choosing one thing from each of the four groups. Strength OR Speed, then Brawler OR Technical wrestler – get the idea?


Force Nine Science Fiction RPG

Force Nine is a free science fiction Role Playing Game in the spirit of Aliens.

FORCE 9 is a science-fiction roleplaying game set in a galaxy at war with a bug-like alien menace. The Player Characters are part of a special Space Marine unit assigned to combat the bug Hive Mind before it comsumes all of mankind. FORCE 9 takes much of its inspiration from the Alien films (especially the second), and more recently, Starship Troopers.

FORCE 9 has been designed as a “pamphlet game” – in other words, only the essentials required for play are included here (spiced up a tad with cool graphics, of course). The hardcopy, plain text version of the game should take up no more than nine letter size pages. Future expansions will be provided, detailing other parts of the setting, more Space Marine missions, new equipment and enemies, etc.

FORCE 9 may have grown a little beyond its origins, but it was initially designed as a “beer and pretzels” game – something simple and fun to play as a break from your regular roleplaying. We think it still works great in this respect. Character creation is fast, the setting and tone are familiar to any sci-fi fan, and missions seem to write themselves. If your gaming group finds itself with a free afternoon, don’t pick up those Magic decks, generate some Space Marines and kick alien ass!

Old School Warhammer Fantasy Scenario Scans

The Realm of Chaos site has scans of a 1986 White Dwarf Warhammer Fantasy scenario: Glen Woe

I love the Games Workshop stuff from that era. So much imagination and charm.

Elementum Dueling Mages Card Game

Elementum is a free print-and-play card game ..

 of two mages casting elements on each other to win a duel. You and your opponent keep a hand of 5 elements and a Kill card, and each turn you choose 3 of these cards to play into 2 offensive and 1 defensive slot. Each of you keeps track of your active elements using a simple map of interactions and nullifications.

Your goal is to defeat the other mage by resolving a kill card while your opponent has at least 1 active interaction on them or by activating all 5 of their elements at once.