Les Trois Mosquetaires Musketeer Rules

Les Trois Mosquetaires is a set of free wargames rules for skirmishes in the world of Alexandre Dumas’ Three Musketeers

And One For All

And One For All is a set of free wargames rules from Eureka Miniatures for swashbuckling adventure in the tradition of the Three Musketeers.

And All For One Three Musketeers Miniatures Rules

Eureka Miniatures offers And All For One, a set of free miniatures rules for playing swashbuckling miniatures games such as the Three Musketeers. The four page rules set is done in an interesting flow-chart style, making it very easy to follow.

Gloire Swashbuckling Rules

Rattrap Productions, which produces the very nice .45 Adventures rules is offering a free set of demo rules for its new set of swashbuckling rules called Gloire. They’re designed to allow miniatures players to recreate the swashbuckling adventures of Dumas’ Three Musketeers.

Three Musketeers Legends of the Old West Variant

Sgt. Perry’s Heroes offers a variant of the Legends of the Old West rules for miniature wargames set in the era of the Three Musketeers.