Priming With Gesso

Here’s an article on priming your figures with artists gesso. I’ve actually been using gesso to prime my figures since the late 1970s. I only use it on 25mm / 28mm figures, though. With my 15s, it is much more efficient to use spray paint.

Speed Painting A 15mm Vehicle

You don’t have to paint everything as though you were trying to win a Golden Demon. Here are a few tips on speed painting vehicles.

Painting Horses Tutorial

Kevin’s Miniatures and Hobby Table has a good article on painting horses. I have never been good at painting the beasts.

Lighting Your Workspace

Massive Voodoo has a tutorial on lighting your workspace.

Painting Bones Miniatures

If you were one of the ones who bought into Reaper Mniatures’ Kickstarter for Bones, here’s a tipsheet on how to paint the figures. They’re a new kind of plastic and some of the techniques you’re used to may not work.