Dinky Dau Vietnam Rules

Dinky Dau is a set of free wargames rules for skirmishes games set in Vietnam.

Spectre Modern Operations Rules

Spectre Miniatures offers a set of free wargames rules for modern operations called Spectre. Click on the “rules” tab at the top of the page.

There’s also a line of 28mm miniatures that you can buy, if you don’t already have some. I’ve got moderns in 15mm already.

A Torrent of Steel Modern Armor Rules

A Torrent of Steel is a set of free wargames rules for armored battles 1950 – 1990.

Designed for 1/300th battles in the period 1950 to1990, AT oS provides a brigade or divisional level game. Our group has fought actions involving 2-300 model vehicles a side and finished it in an evening.

The rules work on the well-proven “fistful of dice” principle, and enable large formations to blaze away at each other without recourse to repeated die rolls. Infantry, artillery and air support are catered for

These rules cover armoured conflicts around the world – the Six Day and Yom Kippur Wars, the Indo-Pakistani Wars the First Gulf War, not to mention unrealised conflicts like a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.

Modern Warfare: Infantry Attack

Modern Warfare: Infantry Attack is a set of free wargames rules for modern fire teams.

Hex Command Mechanized

Hex Command Mechanized is a set of free wargames rules for modern combat where each stand of infantry represents a squad.