Napoleonic DBA Rules

The Bookranger offers a set of free wargames rules for Napoleonics using DBA mechanisms. The author writes:

These rules derive from the combined concepts put forward in the rules sets “De Bellis Antiquitatis” and “Chef de Battalion”.

It was envisioned that a player is likely to control a single Battalion within these rules (a battalion having 15 bases or more). However it is possible to play these rules with a single battalion represented by a single base, when playing large scale battles.

Napoleonic Wars Rules

Natholeon’s Empires offers a set of free wargames rules for the Napoleonic Wars.

Napoleonic Wargames Rules

Paul Leniston offers a set of free wargames rules for Napoleonics. He and his gamer wife have been playing and testing them for many years.

Napoleonic DBA Rules

Steve Burt has a set of free wargames rules for playing Napoleonics using DBA mechanics.

Quick Napoleonics

Back when MWAN was still being published, it was my favorite wargaming magazine — in no small part because of the variety of interesting characters who wrote for the magazine. One of those was Friar Aelred Glidden, who is perhaps the world’s only wargaming monk. Glidden’s game rules were always simple, but interesting, and I very much miss reading his works.

Quick Napoleonics is a set of free wargames rules inspired by Friar Glidden.