Hulks and Horrors Science Fiction RPG

Hulks and Horrors was an unsuccessful Kickstarter effort, but now is available as a free pdf.

Hulks and Horrors RPG

Hulks and Horrors is an RPG about exploring the dark reaches of space for riches. It’s a pay-what-you-want product.


Savage Barsoom

Savage Barsoom are rules for playing games set on Edgar Rice Burrough’s Mars using Pinnacle’s Savage Worlds game.

Free Elements LITE RPG

Free Elements LITE is a starter version of a more complex RPG where, according to the author:

This system utilizes the Elements TTRPG system, which is a freeform action system. You perform actions by describing what you want to do, and picking a skill to use. Based on that skill’s rank, check your multiplier table to see how many points it has. All checks require skill rolls from both parties to determine the success rate, regardless of what the target may be, you’ll engage in a battle of skill checks with it. If you don’t have the proper skill, you must perform an untrained skill check with it. Rate of success when performing an action determines the outcome of a battle, if successful enough the DM will allow you to describe the outcome, where if you’re within 9pts of each other’s checks the DM will describe what happens instead.


Machinations Steampunk RPG

Machinations is a simple steampunk RPG. From the author’s description:

Welcome to the Eternal City, the home of the Machinations RPG. Take on the role of an Adventurer, an Alchemist, an Artificer or even a deathless Automaton. Band together with others to form a Free Company and then hire yourselves out to perform acts of sabotage, espionage, assassination, extortion, blackmail or plain old robbery. All in a world a short step from our own, where reason has been lost, empires exist to be built and strange technology dominates all walks of life. It is a world of sinister intrigue, awful power, terrible events and dark portents. There is also beer, song and glory