American War of Independence Wargames Rules

American War of Independence is a set of free wargames rules based on Neil Thomas’ Napoleonic Wargaming and Ancient and Medieval Wargaming. Interestingly, all movement is based on “base widths.”

American War Of Independence Warhammer Variant

Jimi Tubman offers a set of free wargames rules for the American War of Independence based on the Warhammer ECW rules.

American War of Independence Rules

David Wareham offers a set of free wargames rules for the American War of Independence.

Sons of Liberty American Revolution Rules

Sons of Liberty is a set of free wargames rules for miniatures games set in the American Revolution. Author Wes Rogers also offers a play sheet for reference. The scale is 1 figure=20 infantry.

Loyalty and Glory AWI Rules

Loyalty and Glory are a set of fast play rules for the American Revolution.