d100 Dungeon

D100 Dungeon is a print-and-play solo game of dungeon crawling. It involves a 53 page book (your laser printer can easily handle it), and uses a series of tables to guide you through an adventure.

d100 Dungeon Delving Game

D100 Dungeon is a print-and-play solo role playing game of dungeon adventures.

Dungeon Janitor’s Apprentice

Dungeon Janitor’s Apprentice is a two player storytelling game. The author writes:

Dungeon Janitor’s Apprentice is a storytelling game for two! One player is the Dungeon Janitor, who wants to get the dungeon cleaned as quickly as possible. The other player is the Dungeon Janitor’s new Apprentice, who wants to get stuck doing as little work as possible. These two characters argue by making up backstory for the dungeon.

To play, you’ll need just some tokens and the rules. You’ll get a double-sided PDF that you can print and fold into a little rules booklet (as well as a plaintext version). On the back of the rules is a labelled dungeon map to help inspire players during play.

Ares Magazine Citadel of Blood Boardgame

The Internet Archives has  collection of old Ares Science Fiction and Fantasy gaming magazines. Issue #5 has a complete game called Citadel of Blood.

Legend of Zelda Clockwork Realm Print and Play Board Game

Legend of Zelda Clockwork Realm is a fan-made, print and play board game.