Johnny Tremaine is a variant of Johnny Reb, created with the permission of the Civil War game’s author, John Hill.
american war of independence
Battle of Saratoga Rules and Figures
The Junior General has a game of the Battle of Saratoga (1777), complete with paper figures for you to play with.
Washington’s Fury
Washington’s Fury is a set of rules for wargaming the American Revolution. Unfortunately, it’s at Yet Another Yahoo Group, so if you want to take a look, you’ll have to join. I did, and they are definitely something I want to give a try.
Warhammer Ancient Battles American Revolution Variant
Here’s a variant of Warhammer Ancient Battles for the American Revolution. No. Really. It could work.
Battles of the Revolutionary War by W.J. Wood
In Battles of the Revolutionary War, author W.J. Wood contends that — contrary to popular belief — the war was won by American skill on the battlefield. To prove this contention, he examines in ten chapters, ten major battles of the war: Bunker Hill, Quebec, Trenton and Princeton, Brandywine, Oriskany, Saratoga, King’s Mountain, Cowpens, Guilford Courthouse, and the Chesapeake Capes. Each chapter features a detailed narrative of the battle, some useful maps and battle plans, and an analysis of the action. There also are some good organizational charts, and intellience reports. It was well worth the price.
Battles of the Revolutionary War: 1775-1781 (Major Battles and Campaigns Series)