
MiniatureWargaming.Com is a catalog of the best, most interesting and useful gaming material on the web. It includes links to free wargames rules, paper figures and terrain, free board games and RPGs, painting and modeling tutorials, and other gaming related materials. The site is updated daily, and currently contains more than 5,000 pages of material, including some 1,500 rules sets. The links are categorized, and fully searchable, making it easy to find what you want.

The site started in 2004, when I decided to find a better way to categorize and organize all of the links to wargames resources that I had acquired over the years. I chose the ‘blog format because: 1) it allowed me to enter the links and descriptions as time permitted 2) I could easily group things into categories 3) the links and descriptions were searchable and 4) I could access the links from anywhere I had an internet connection.

Over the years, MiniatureWargaming has evolved into a massive project, with more than five thousand links to free wargames resources, including free wargames rules sets, figure painting and modeling advice, terrain construction tips, free paper figures and terrain, battle reports, product reviews and more.

Each of the links is categorized, and the database is fully searchable. So if you’re looking for free wargames resouces, this is the place to start.

If you have a link you’d like to have publicized, use the contact form. The only caveat is that the main page only offers links to free material. 

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