Be Awesome At Dungeon Design — Free Ebook

Be Awesome at Dungeon Design is a free (as of this writing) ebook with advice on how to create great dungeons for your fantasy role playing games.

Fantastic Heroes and Witchery RPG

Fantastic Heroes & Witchery is a commercial fantasy role playing product that pays homage to the beloved game of my youth. But there’s also a free pdf version.

The authors write:

Fantastic Heroes & Witchery is a 430 pages rulebook, with all the information necessary to run a game of fantasy role-playing. Monsters and magical items are not provided (though they will come in later supplements), but you can use those from other editions of the game, so your books don’t become useless.

The rules are similar to those found in “the original game” and its simulacrums, but draw on several editions to create its own style. Fantastic Heroes & Witchery was done with the following goals in mind: ability to use most earlier material (monsters, magical items, modules, GM books, etc.) without conversion; simple and streamlined rules mostly based on the original game’s mechanics; but also new and different character classes, and many new spells. Overall, Fantastic Heroes & Witchery remains the same ancient game, but with slightly modernized rules plus a few options and additions.

Warband Science Fantasy Role Playing

Warband is a free RPG with a science fantasy, science fiction flavor. In truth, it could very well be the Warhammer 40K RPG. The author writes:

This game is my homage to the ‘grim, dark future’. A game of spikey power armor wearing, bolt-gun shooting, chain-sword waving chaos worshippers. Characters struggle to survive in the warp of space, as low-level members of a Chaos Lord’s warband, they strive to make a name for themselves and eventually captain a ship of their own.

100 Hyperborean Treasures

My perusal of blogs tells me that a lot of miniature gamers now are running rpg style miniatures games with rules sets like Conan!, Song of XXX and In Her Majesty’s name among others. For people running Conan style games, here’s a great list of treasures / objectives.

Lamentations of the Flame Princess RPG

Lamentations of the Flame Princess is an old school RPG of “fantasy adventure and horror.” The link is to the free version without illustrations. The illustrated version apparently has some rather adult and disturbing illustrations.