Fantasy Name Generator

Here’s a very nice Fantasy Name Generator

List of Arabic Names

For colonial games fans, here’s a gamers’ list of Arabic names.

Seventh Sanctum Random Name Generators

Back in the heady days of first edition D&D, there were a lot of small companies publishing books that essentially were nothing more than lists of names, treasures, monsters, etc. During a game, you used these lists to randomly generate filler for your adventures.

The Seventh Sanctum is essentially a computerized version of these old random generator books. There are random generators here for just about anything you can imagine: pirate ship names, character names for a variety of settings, superhero powers,, equipment lists, dark rituals, several evil sounding name generators, a magical girls, a martial arts move generator, and more!

I spent way too much time playing with this one.

British Name Generator

To do a proper Victorian science fiction game, you’ve got to have characters with very British names. This site will help you out by generating proper british names.