Brigade Commander Napoleonic Rules

Brigade Commander is a set of Napoleonic Rules. The author writes:

The inspiration and model for this rules set has come from two very fine existing published rules sets.

The first “De Bellis Antiquitatis“ is a simple yet wonderful quick-play focused mode that models warfare in the ancient world.

The second set “Chef de Battailon” is an exceedingly detailed set of Napoleonic rules with each commander controling a single battalion. In this set, the player is constantly faced by the nightmare of moving troops around terrain while under fire.

Both sets are excellent at what they do, but as the main designer of these rules I wanted the detail of “Chef” and the speed of “De Bellis”. Much play testing and tinkering has resulted in the set of rules you now hold.

Elan Deluxe Napoleonic Rules

Elan Deluxe is a set of free rules for playing Napoleonic wargames. Once published professionally, it now is available online. This is a very well done, and interesting set of rules. The nominal scale is 1-50, with units representing battalions and regiments.

Napnuts Peninsular Campaign Rules

The Napnuts site has a set of rules for conducting a Napoleonic Peninsular campaign. The Peninsular Campaign makes for a good campaign because of its relatively limited scope.

Napnuts Uniform Guide

The Singapore miniature wargaming group that calls itself the NapNuts offers a page of Napoleonic Uniform Guides.

British Battles Website

The British Battles website has accounts, maps and orders of battle for dozens of famous battles involving the British army. Included are Battles from King George’s War, the Jacobite Rebellion, The French and Indian War, the American Revolution, the Peninuslar War, and other Napoleonic Era battles. It’s an incredible resource for the miniature wargamer.