Obsidian Blade Rules

Obsidian Blade is a set of free wargames rules by J.S. Koppe. The original rules were offered for free on Google Sites. That platform is gone, and the rescued rules are below. No challenge to Mr. Koppe’s copyright is intended; this is merely an effort to preserve.

Introduction: This is an introductory set of wargaming rules. It is designed for the novice player with little or no wargaming experience. Surprisingly, the simplicity of the rules has added some nuances of play that often escape more experienced players. The first is that this is not a simultaneous move and fight game. Consequently, deciding whether to move first or second can be a major decision, particularly for the Aztec player. The ideal situation for that player is to go second in a turn and manage to surround some of the enemy, then go first in the next turn and hustle the captured figures away for sacrifice at a later time. It is to the advantage of the Spanish player to ensure that the Aztec player never gets to move two consecutive phases. Secondly, it is important to realize that hand-to-hand combat is not simultaneous and that it is generally better to attack than defend.

There are those who will decry the simplicity of these rules. Yes, victory depends on a certain amount of “gamesmanship” rather than sound strategy. But then what do you expect for free, on the internet, and on less than two printed pages?

Sequence of Events: Roll for initiative, high roller decides to move 1st or 2nd.

1.1st player movement**5.2nd player movement**
2.1st player missile fire* at closest enemy in sight6.2nd player missile fire* at closest enemy in sight
3.2nd player return fire* at closest enemy in sight7.1st player return fire* at closest enemy in sight
4.1st player combat8.2nd player combat with fugures in base to base contact
* Missile weapons may only be fired once per turn.
** Missile fire and movement over 1/3 of available is not possible.

Movement: Rough terrain reduces foot movement by 1/3. Mounted movement through rough terrain is not allowed. Figures who are in contact with the front of an enemy figure may not move without first making a “break away” roll. Foot figures must score 4 or less on 1d6. Cavalry must score 6 or less on 1d6. Add one to the die roll for each enemy figure whose front is in contact with the figure trying to break away.

Foot figures move 12 inches. Defenders will automatically turn to face the first attacker who contacts them.

**Mounted figures move 20 inches. Cavalry may perform up to 4 combats during movement. Each combat reduces the mounted figure’s movement by 2 inches. Note that if the mounted figure’s enemy is still standing after the combat, the mounted figure must make a break away roll to continue moving. Each combat or change in direction costs a mounted figure 2 inches of movement. No more than 4 changes of direction or combats can be made during a turn.

Missile Combat: Missile combat is the only simultaneous combat. Player 1’s missile fire phase is simultaneous with player 2’s return fire. Player 2’s missile fire phase is simultaneous with player 1’s return fire phase. Missile weapons can only be used once per turn. Use of a missile fire before movement limits movement to 1/3. If a figure has moved more than 1/3 of its movement before using its missile weapon, it cannot fire. Missile fire is always, always, always at the closest enemy target. Resolve missile fire one figure at a time. The procedure is the same as for regular combat. At shorter ranges (given in inches in the chart below) the missile weapon rolls 2 dice; at longer ranges 3 dice. For example, a slinger would use 2 dice if his target is less than 18 inches away. If the target is between 18 and 30 inches, the slinger would roll 3 dice.

X-Bow 12-2d6 / 18-3d6Arquebus 12-2d6 / 18-3d6Cannon 30-2d6 / 45-3d6
Sling 18-2d6 / 30-3d6Bow 18-2d6 / 24-3d6Atlatl 12-2d6 / 18-3d6

Combat: During combat the attacking player rolls a black die and a red die at the same time (sometimes 2 red and 1 black dice.) If the sum of the dice is listed on the combat table for the weapon being used, a hit has occurred The black die determines the hit location (do not re-roll it). Just cross reference the number rolled and the weapon used on the hit table. In most cases, when a hit occurs, the defender rolls 1, 2 or 3 dice for a saving roll. The number of dice used is determined by the situation (see saving rolls, below). If the defender does not succeed in making a saving roll, the result listed in the hit table is applied to his figure. A stunned result means the figure does nothing during the owning player’s next phase and may be dragged away. Pushback is a 3 inch retreat. A pushed-back figure that cannot go back is stunned. Aztec peasants who are killed or wounded are immediately taken off the table and put into the reserve pool. Aztec knights and veterans can take 2 wounds; Spaniards can take 4 wounds. Aztec knights, veterans and Spaniards are permanently removed from the game when killed.

No matter how many figures are involved in a melee, only one attack is made against a figure. A figure attacking or defending at a disadvantage (e.g., fighting more than one enemy, fighting from below, etc.) uses 3 dice. Wounded Aztecs and Spaniards with 2 or more wounds attack and save with 3d6 instead of 2.

Combat Table
Weapon being used% chance to hitneeded to roll Weapon being used% chance to hitneeded to roll
bow (18 / 24)44%3,4,7,8sword66.4%2,4,7,8,9,10,12
x-bow (12 / 18)33.1%3,6,8maquahuitl60.8%2,3,4,5,8,10,11,12
arquebus (12 / 18)27.7%4,5,10mounted lance47%2,3,4,7,8
sling (24 / 30)44%3,4,7,8pole arm/2 handed52.2%5,7,8,9
atlatl (12 /18)27.7%4,5,10spear60.8%2,3,4,5,7,8
cannon (30 / 45)36%3,4,8,10knife / hand-to-hand30.4%78
Hit Table
Die Roll123456
arquebus (no saving throws)kill*kill*kill*woundwoundstunned*
cannon (no saving)kill*kill*kill*kill*kill*kill*
mounted lancekillkillkillkillkillpushback*
pole arm/ 2-handedkillkillkillwoundwoundpushback*
* no saving throw against this hit.

Saving Throws: Save on 1, 6, 7, 8. Roll one die for normal saves. Roll two dice if using a shield and the hit location is armored or if figure is using cover (e.g., 2 layers of protection). Wounded Aztec nobles and Spaniards with 2 or more wounds, or any figure outnumbered by attackers, use 3d6. Remember, 2 dice are best, 1 die is next, 3 dice are the worst.

Cannons: Cannons perform only one action per turn. They may move 6 inches per turn, or they may load, or they may fire. Field of fire is 22 degrees.

Other Factors:

Crusading Zeal: Spaniards within 6 inches of a Catholic priest use 2 dice when attacking in a hand to hand fight even if wounded or disadvantaged.

Capture: If a figure is surrounded (e.g., there is an enemy figure facing the potentially captured figure on each of its four sides, six figures vs. a mounted figure) and it receives a wound, pushback or stunned combat result, the figure is captured. As long as all of the capturing figures remain in contact with the prisoner, the capturing player may move the figure during his phase. If at any time one or more of the guards leaves or is killed, then the original player may attempt to move the figure during his phase by making a “break away” roll. The escaped prisoner must move directly away from the guards in the direction of the open side.

Dragging: A stunned figure may be dragged for 3 inches by another figure if the dragging figure can successfully roll 1, 2 or 3 on one die. Each additional figure of the attacker in contact with the victim who is not involved in a melee, will subtract 1 from the die roll. Each friend of the stunned figure in contact will add 1. This roll and the subsequent dragging movement is completed during the dragging player’s regular movement phase.

Units: Mobile Aztec units must have a banner carrying captain or a priest to lead them. If this figure is killed or removed from the table all figures in the unit will disperse and be placed in the pool. Aztec unit size is limited to 6 knights (including a captain) and 18 peasants.

A Spaniard is a unit unto himself.

The Reserve Pool: Aztecs who miss a morale roll are put into the reserve pool. These figures will be put back on the board in 1-6 turns. The location of their return is determined on the turn in which the figures are placed back on the table. The Aztec player should confidentially identify up to 6 staging areas before play commences. These locations should have some type of identifying feature, a sacred hilltop, a temple building, etc. Once the Spaniards have captured one of these places, it may no longer be used as a staging area until the Aztecs have sacrificed a captured Spaniard there.

Command Control: Spaniards may move as they wish. They have no command considerations. Their Inidan allies must be within 8 inches of Xicotencatl (the Tlaxcalan leader) or any Spaniard at all times or they are out of command. Aztec knights must be within 8 inches of a captain or priest to be in command. Aztec peasants must be within 12 inches of an Aztec captain or priest to be in command. Out of command figures may not move except to attack an enemy who is within 3 inches. Missile armed troops may fire at the closest enemy figure within range.

Morale: Aztec nobles must roll 1, 2, 3 or 4 on 1d6 to pass a morale check. Aztec peasants must roll 1 or 2 on 1 die to pass. Captains and priests need never check morale. Any out of command figure attacked by cannon or cavalry must pass a morale check or flee. In addition, any out of command figure within 4 inches of a figure killed by cannon fire or a cavalry attack must pass a morale check or flee. Native captains may not be seen to retire in the face of the enemy (i.e., they can see the enemy). If they do, every figure in their unit must pass a morale check or be placed in the reserve pool. And lastly, if a figure is in the command range of a captain at the beginning of a phase, and at the end of the phase finds itself out of the command range of that captain, it must pass a morale check or flee. Note that priests may retire or leave their units without causing them to make morale checks.

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