Force Nine Science Fiction RPG

Force Nine is a free science fiction Role Playing Game in the spirit of Aliens.

FORCE 9 is a science-fiction roleplaying game set in a galaxy at war with a bug-like alien menace. The Player Characters are part of a special Space Marine unit assigned to combat the bug Hive Mind before it comsumes all of mankind. FORCE 9 takes much of its inspiration from the Alien films (especially the second), and more recently, Starship Troopers.

FORCE 9 has been designed as a “pamphlet game” – in other words, only the essentials required for play are included here (spiced up a tad with cool graphics, of course). The hardcopy, plain text version of the game should take up no more than nine letter size pages. Future expansions will be provided, detailing other parts of the setting, more Space Marine missions, new equipment and enemies, etc.

FORCE 9 may have grown a little beyond its origins, but it was initially designed as a “beer and pretzels” game – something simple and fun to play as a break from your regular roleplaying. We think it still works great in this respect. Character creation is fast, the setting and tone are familiar to any sci-fi fan, and missions seem to write themselves. If your gaming group finds itself with a free afternoon, don’t pick up those Magic decks, generate some Space Marines and kick alien ass!

Alien Invasion Rules

Matakishi has a set of free skirmish rules called “Alien Invasion”. The author writes:

This is a skirmish level game designed to be played by four to six players in about an hour and a half. Each player will control a competing faction with personal victory conditions to achieve based on the scenario chosen. Not all victory conditions are mutually exclusive so alliances and diplomacy have their place.

The game is ostensibly set in a fictional present day but this is not a requirement. Many of the factions are drawn from popular culture and new factions can be added very easily simply by quantifying a small number of variables.

The game requires minimal measuring, no charts and a lot of six sided dice. The rules will be memorised by a player by their second action and everyone can then concentrate on having fun.

Exosolar RPG

Exosolar is a free rpg

about robots struggling to survive on an alien planet. Players will have to make the most of their limited resources as they overcome obstacles that threaten their mission. This is a rules­light RPG with a focus on narrative. One player is the GM (game master) and controls the world while the other players are the robots.