Death or Glory Fantasy Role Playing Game

Death or Glory uses a percentile dice system and has medieval, magic and firearms supplements. In addition, there are rules for a medieval board game that allows you to lay out larger battles.

Fickle RPG

Fickle RPG is

a narrative roleplaying and cooperative storytelling game, distinguished by the core dice resolution mechanic which has bluffing, bidding, and meaningful decisions. The game is a universal system that can be played in any genre, such as sci-fi, military, zombies, high fantasy, superheroes, etc. An ongoing campaign can be played over multiple game sessions, or as a themed one-shot.

Lizards vs Wizards RPG

Lizards vs Wizards is an RPG set in the “days after the Big Blammo.” You are a sentient lizard. Unfortunately, there also are Wizards, who are “crazy, weird and dangerous humans” who often use lizard parts in their experiements.

It looks like a hoot.

Explore Alterra Tabletop RPG

Explore Alterra is a tabletop RPG that eschews a character sheet in favor of cards that measure spells, weapons, armor, talents and items. It is a very straightforward system, and an interesting setting.

City of Mist RPG Starter Set

You can get a free downloadable City of Mist RPG Starter Set. City of Mist has an interesting premise. It’s a noir type setting in which you play a character that is the incarnation of mythic and literary characters. You could be King Arthur, for example, or Little Red Riding Hood.