Greek Village Model

Eye candy time. Greg Kelleher has built a nice greek village for DBA.

Battle Drills and Tactics for DBM

Judging from the number of games I’ve seen at conventions, De Bellis Multidudinus (DBM) is probably the most popular ancients game out there. Unfortunately, it’s written in an obscure dialect of English known as Barkereese. Linguists contend that the form originally developed as a form of cryptography, allowing the Angles to the Saxons in the dark. Unfortunately, it also keeps gamers from knowing exactly what the author intended. As a result, many scholars have dedicated their websites to explaining it all. This site is full of diagrams explaining DBM’s concepts to those not fluent in Barkereese.

DBA Variants

Chris Brantley has collected this list of rules variants for the De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) ancients miniature wargame.

DBA Terrain Squares

David Kuijt has instructions on building terrain squares for DBA miniatures games.

Scratch-Building Wargames Terrain

Chris Brantley has a page with advice on scratch-building wargames terrain. It’s aimed at newbies in general, and DBA players in particular.