“Gonsalvo,” who played with legendary gamer Charles Sweet, has attempted to recreate Sweet’s Ancients rules. A little background on Sweet from the blog post:
Charlie was one of the true Old Guard of our Miniature Wargaming hobby. He was one of the original fifty or so subscribers to Jack Scruby’s pioneering wargames magazine, Wargames Digest, first published in 1957. Charlie was a frequent contributor to the magazine, but never published any commercial rules sets. He holds an extremely important place in the history of our hobby none the less. In 1965, Sports Illustrated published an article “A Little War can be a lot of Fun”, covering the hobby and Charlie’s games with his brother. This was the first ever national exposure for the hobby, and was followed by additional coverage, including a spot on the television show, “Sixty Minutes”. Charlie brought our hobby out into the open (at least in the US), and made it both visible and respectable.